
Form  for adding a client to our BDD Hotels. When the information is added, an email will be automatically sent to the customer so that he validates the subscription to the newsletter.

Birthday field

Enter the birthday in English format  THE MONTH / DAY WITHOUT PUTTING THE YEAR

Type field

Inform if the client is in private, or if he comes in connection with an event (if the event is missing, please send an email to in order to add him to the list).

Language field

Choose from the list the language best spoken by the customer, in order to send him an email in the corresponding language.

Residence field

If the client is French, please ask him from which department he comes from, in case he does not fit into any field, please select “Outside Region”.

Hotel field

Next to the Hotel, Please answer “O” (letter O IN CAPS) in  the field corresponding to the Hotel. (leave the other two non-affected Hotel fields blank


Finally click on the small switch and on the Signup button to validate the registration !

Don’t forget to ask if the customer is from Trustech for the Type field between November 26 and 28, thank you !


Subscribe to the Group newsletter

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